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Product Sourcing and Specifications

Product Specification

An account manager will be assigned to you exclusively to support your sourcing requirements and conduct a demand analysis to determine the most suitable source for production.

This Includes:

  • Product category
  • Specification requirement
  • Current cost
  • Annual usage
  • Target price
  • Packaging specifications
  • Logistic information

Regardless of whether you have a factory design or a customized design, we always adopt a service-centric approach to align with your specific objectives and suggest alternatives to address all your sourcing and manufacturing requirements.

Low Cost Country Sourcing

We recognize the complexities that arise when operating in foreign countries with different languages, cultures, logistics, and import/export regulations. To address this, the Procport Solutions Limited regional team has extensive knowledge of each domestic market and supply chain network. We continuously seek out the most economical producers and manufacturers throughout Asia and Southeast Asia while managing this process.

Identifying Supply Market

Identify Supply Market

We aid in recognizing the appropriate supply chain from each region, based on the specific requirements of our clients’ products. At Procport Solutions Limited, every one of our regional offices furnishes precise real-time insights pertaining to the identification and evaluation of prospective markets and suppliers. We commence the assessment and selection of the most suitable supply chains, while also creating detailed profiles and analyses of the suppliers involved. The procedure encompasses a thorough business assessment, a factory email audit, a field audit, a supplier qualification evaluation report, and a manufacturing capability evaluation.

Cost Comparison and Analysis

We will perform a thorough cost and comparison analysis for each and every potential supplier sourced from all the countries with qualified suppliers. The information gathered will enable our clients to precisely ascertain their total cost of ownership and take decisions based on the overall cost rather than just the factory cost.

Order Process

Order process

The purchase order process entails the path taken by the purchase order (PO) right from its inception to its approval, dispatch, delivery, invoicing, and final closure. We oversee the entire process, ensuring that our clients receive their products as per their specified quality standards and delivery timelines.

Asia. It’s big. It’s complex. We know that. We understand the challenges facing businesses in the West and have extensive experience producing goods in the East.

With primary focus on China, we have expanded our coverage for handle manufacturing and product sourcing within Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, and India. Our sourcing specialists combine regional cultural understanding and in-depth information and expertise on market dynamics of suppliers’ need.

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